Gifts for the Blogger



New Keurig – I know a lot of people are all about if it isn’t broke don’t fix it, but as bloggers, I think a lot (not all) of us really enjoy having the newest technology and gadgets. Keurigs have come a long way from what they once were. You can make tea, coffee, hot chocolate, and so many other yummy drinks! Definitely something lots of bloggers would love, especially for the late nights or the early mornings cranking out blog posts!
Simple studio Lighting – This is a big one for me, and at the top of my list! So many bloggers shoot all of their own photos, and it’s kinda hard to do this at 7pm when the sun has already set and you just need 10 minutes of at least semi-natural lighting! Studio lights or a lighting cube like this one are the perfect gift for a blogger, because it allows them to shoot pictures at any time of the day, and definitely won’t break the budget! 
iPhone camera add on – Sometimes, it’s just not convenient to pull out that big old DSLR camera, so having a handy, but small add on like this makes things so much easier. These make the perfect stocking stuffers and come in so handy for getting the perfect shot of that Starbucks cup!
Fun to do list pad – Having some form of formal to-do list is so important, whether you use the notes app on your phone or use an actual to-do list, they can be so beneficial! This colorful & fun to-do list pad is perfect to keep all of your to-dos organized.
Marble Phone Case – It’s no secret, marble is so in this year. And this marble phone case is everything! This brand has so many fun combinations of marble cases with fun colored bumpers around the case! Seriously, such a perfect stocking stuffer for a blogger, or really anyone!
Wireless SD Card – I’ve had my eye on this little guy for a while now! I get so frustrated having to take my SD card out of my camera, finding my adapter and then inserting it in to my computer #FirstWorldProblems This wireless SD is a real game changer for anyone who uses a camera with an SD card!
Extra Battery pack – There are always those days where social media takes over and our phones hit 1% quicker than we even realize. It happens to me at least once a week, but having extra battery packs stashed in my purse or car can seriously help me avoid the dreaded 1%! This one is Apple certified and comes with a lighting cable already build in- no carrying around your long charger!

Cute Camera strap – Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice of the camera companies to send a generic, boring, black strap with all of their incredibly expensive cameras, but having one that shows off your style is just a little more fun. With 5 different colors and designs, these camera straps are perfect for everyone. I think this one and the wireless SD card would make any DSLR camera owner very happy!
Editing Day Mug – Now that you have that shiny new Keurig, I think we all need a new mug! This mug is so perfect, because we all know bloggers spend tons of time editing photos, and posts and social shares! And we all love sharing cute pics of our adorable mugs!

What gifts are on your blogger wish list this year? Do you have a blogger in your life you’re buying one of these for?

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  1. Love these picks! I seriously cannot stress enough to people in my life how much I value note pads and pens. They might seem mundane to an "outsider" (HA!), but they are so stinkin' practical.

  2. I haven't tried any yet! I may order this one for myself after Christmas! It was the top pic on Amazon, and I've seen lots of bloggers say they love it!

  3. This looks almost exactly like the gift guide for bloggers I posted a few weeks ago over at RKC Southern! HAHA! My point was that all bloggers want the same things — great minds really DO think alike!

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