Kaboom Town & 4th Festivities!

Wreath I made! It currently hanging on our front door! Check it out along with other stuff I make here ðŸ™‚

I hope everyone has had a wonderful 4th of July! Growing up this was always my favorite holiday, probably because we always had a huge party at house house. And when I say huge, I mean like 50-75 people hanging in our backyard, swimming, eating any sort of barbecue food you could think of and watching the fireworks that were shot off literally 100 yards from our backyard. What more could any 7-12 year old ask for? Absolutely nothing.
But considering we haven’t lived in that house or had a party like that in over 7 years, I’ve learned to make do! Yesterday the boyfriend and I ventured into Addison’s “Kaboom Town” for a second year in a row.
 Before we headed out, looking pretty festive! Excuse my messy bathroom!
For some weird reason, I LOVE big crowds like that, and I really don’t know why. Maybe it’s the people watching, or maybe it’s the multitude of different foods, but I know I love it! And other people must love it too… There were over 60,000 people there! Crazy right? That’s not counting everyone who didn’t go into Addison Circle! Thomas and I are such foodies, we practically tried everything! Thankfully I had only had breakfast that day so I not only had plenty of calories to spare but also a very empty stomach!

 I’m not sure why this seemed so enticing, but it was! It was really just a hollowed out pineapple, with some crappy (virgin) Pina Colada in it! The bits of real pineapple in the pina colada was what made it way less crappy. So overall, it was good, I probably shouldn’t have spent $10 on it, but who cares? We also split a very crappy grilled chicken sandwich, a surprisingly yummy slice of pizza and a disappointing basket of twisted potatoes… This is what I get for eating so unhealthy!

If you’ve ever been to ANY sort of festival type event, you know just how expensive everything can be. So when we found a “Buy a mug and get free refills all night” soda cart-thingy, we went for it! It was soda from Wild Bills Soda, and it was MUCH better than I would have expected! I’m not a huge soda person, but this stuff was de-licious! And doesn’t Thomas look cute holding the little mug?

Every year at Kaboom Town there is an air show, and every year they outdo the previous year! It’s always fun to see what new crazy things the planes will do! In addition to the air show, there is a nationally ranked fireworks show. I’ve been coming to this thing for a loooong time, and honestly I never thought the fireworks were THAT great.. Just good. But then again, I used to be able to float in my pool and see fireworks right above me, so I should shut up and take what I get.
This was my sad attempt at decorating my red, white & blue cupcakes! I couldn’t find any of my piping bags or the little tips that make the cute decorations (what are those things called?) so I improvised and put my frosting in a zip-loc bag, cut a small slit in one corner and BAM! This is what I created! Not too bad, if I do say so myself!
Here’s the final look! I wish the blue would have been more blue, but oh well, I still think they’re cute!
Today, Thomas and I went to see “White House Down.” I am VERY into movies about the Government, war, etc., So this movie was right up my alley. I loved it. It made me laugh, cry, and want to throw up (because of the suspense) all at the same time. I enjoyed the story line and loved looking at Channing Tatum’s acting 😉 I would highly recommend the movie to anyone looking for a good movie.
Did anyone go to any other fun firework displays around the DFW metroplex? I’d love to hear about it! Hope you all had a wonderful & festive 4th! 
XoXo -Tiffani

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No comments

  1. Cute cupcakes! You improvised well with no piping bags or tips.

    So glad I didn't go into the "circle" and waste a bunch of calories on food that wasn't all too tasty, but I would have loved one of those pineapple drinks!


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